JetStream 1600 reducing heat stress
Evaporative cooling in agricultural applications:
- Cool animals and stables for cents a day
- Cool feeding areas, barns, stables, production areas and more for a fraction of traditional cooling costs.
- Create tunnel ventilation to cool barns and enclosed areas.
- Operates on tap water and 220v of electricity.
- Environmentally-friendly, emits no harmful fluorocarbons. 36” High Performance unit features quiet operation and cools about 246m2.
- 48” model cools approximately 325m2. Utilize outside facilities during hot summer months without jeopardizing animal health.
Increase milk production in cows by cooling holding pens and exit lanes*.
Evaporative cooling is the only commercially available cooling that actually decreases the actual THI (temperature-humidity index)**
* According to studies reported by Dept. of Animal Sciences, Kansas State Univ.
** Journal of Dairy Science, 86. Reported 2003